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IT'S BEEN well - documented that there is a growing sense of ____________________ among young people today . I have certainly seen that in my ____________________ .

So many ____________________ seniors have this notion that they should be hired because of their creative ____________________ . Too many are unhappy with the idea of starting at the bottom .

My advice has always been : ? You ought to be ____________________ you got a job in the ____________________ . And when you get there , here's what you do : Be really great at sorting mail . ?

No one wants to hear someone say : ? I'm not good at sorting ____________________ because the job is beneath me . ? No job should be beneath us . And if you can't ( or won't ) sort mail , where is the ____________________ that you can do anything ?

After our ETC students were hired by companies for ____________________ or first jobs , we'd often ask the firms to give us feedback on how they were doing . Their bosses almost never had anything negative to say about their ____________________ or their technical chops . ?

When I was fifteen , I worked at an orchard hoeing strawberries , and most of my coworkers were day laborers . A couple of ____________________ worked there , too , earning a little extra cash for the summer . I made a ____________________ to my dad about the job being beneath those teachers . ?

I went back into that strawberry field and I still ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . But I had heard my dad's words . I watched my attitude and I hoed a little harder .