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IF I could only give three words of advice , they would be ? tell the truth . ? If I got ____________________ more words , I'd add : ? All the time . ? My parents ____________________ me that ? you're only as good as your word , ? and there's no better way to say it .

Honesty is not only morally right , it's also efficient . In a culture where everyone tells the truth , you can save a lot of time ____________________ . When I taught at the University of Virginia , I loved the honor code . If a student was sick and needed a ____________________ ____________________ , I didn't need to create a new one . The student just ? ____________________ ? that he hadn't talked to anybody about the exam , and I gave the old one .

People lie for lots of reasons , often because it seems like a way to get what they want with less effort . But like many short - term ____________________ , it's ineffective long - term . You run into people again later , and they remember you lied to them . And they tell lots of other people about it . That's what ____________________ me about lying . Most people who have told a lie think they ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ? when in fact , they didn't .