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I RECENTLY GOT pulled over for speeding not far from my new home in Virginia . I hadn't been paying ____________________ , and I had drifted a few miles an hour over the speed limit .

? Can I see your license and ____________________ ? ? the police officer asked me ? .

? What are you doing here ? ? he asked . ? You with the ____________________ ? ?

? No , I'm not , ? I said . I explained that I had just moved to Virginia , and I hadn't had time to re - ____________________ yet .

He had asked a direct question . Without thinking very hard , I gave him a direct answer . ? Well , officer , ? I said , ? since you've asked , I have ____________________ cancer ?

The officer cocked his head and ____________________ at me ?


He was obviously thinking : ? Either this guy is pulling one big fat line on me , or he's telling the truth . And I have no way of knowing . ? This wasn't an easy ____________________ for him because he was trying to do the near - impossible ? .

? Well , officer , I know that I look pretty healthy . It's really ____________________ .

I look great on the outside , but the ____________________ are on the inside . ? ?

The cop looked at my scars . He looked in my eyes . I could see on his face : He now knew he was talking to a ____________________ man . And if by some chance I was the most ____________________ con man he'd ever stopped , ? .

The awful truth ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . As he trotted back to his police car , I had a realization ?