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NO MATTER how bad things are , you can always make things ____________________ . ?

Jai was seven ____________________ pregnant with Dylan , ?

The ____________________ was just starting when Jai said , ? I think my water just broke . ? ?

When we got to the emergency room , doctors , nurses and other hospital ____________________ descended with IVs , stethoscopes and ____________________ forms . ?


Knowing how crucial it is for people to be ____________________ about their medical care , I had insisted that she be given another ____________________ . ?

It was all ____________________ . ?

? Your wife is approaching ____________________ shock , ? a nurse said . ?

I looked around me . It was 9 p . m . on New Year's Eve . Surely , any doctor or nurse on the hospital's ____________________ list had gotten off for the night ?

It did not take long , however , for these doctors and nurses to ____________________ me . ?

They didn't seem ____________________ . ?

As Jai was being rushed into surgery for an emergency ____________________ , she said to the doctor , ? This is bad , isn't it ? ? ?

Whatever the case , her words helped . And then the ____________________ took me aside ?


My dad always found that coaching culture amusing , since he was out having ____________________ when his first child was born ? .


And then the baby , our first child , Dylan , let out a ____________________ ?

Dylan weighed two pounds , fifteen ____________________ ? .

Jai was overcome with ____________________ and relief ? .

Dylan was sent to the neonatal intensive care unit . I came to recognize that parents with babies there needed very specific ____________________ from doctors and nurses . ?

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