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THE MOST ____________________ brick wall I ever came upon in my life was just five feet , six inches tall , and was absolutely ____________________ . ?

That brick wall was Jai .

As I said in the lecture , I was always pretty ____________________ ?

I was a thirty - seven - year - old ____________________ when Jai and I met . ?


But who was I kidding ? I was a fun - loving , ____________________ Peter Pan ?


She figured I'm obviously a pretty ____________________ and interesting guy , ?


She was told I was not . In fact , she was told I had a ____________________ as a player ?

As for Jai , she had been married briefly to her college ____________________ , ?


Soon enough , I was flirting pretty ____________________ . ?


I couldn't ____________________ during dinner . ?

We went to a wine bar , even though I don't really drink , and I quickly felt a ____________________ sense that I really ?


I admit : I'm either an ____________________ romantic or ? .


Though Jai wasn't thrilled with my ____________________ ?


In April , I made arrangements to teach a weeklong ____________________ at UNC . ?


I wondered what was in her head . I asked for an ____________________ .


I was horrified and ____________________ . ?


It was an ____________________ scene . ?


? Look , ? my dad said . ? I don't think she means it . It's not ____________________ with her behavior thus far . ?


? Be ____________________ , ? my mom said . ?

? .