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I was at camp that summer , and after the lunar ____________________ landed , all of us were brought to the main farm house , where a television was set up . The ____________________ were taking a long time getting organized before they could climb down the ladder and walk on the lunar surface . I understood . They had a lot of gear , a lot of details to attend to . I was ____________________ .

But the people ?

I was completely peeved at the camp ____________________ . The thought in my head was this : ? My species has gotten off of our planet and landed in a new world for the first time , and you people think bedtime ____________________ ? ?

But when I got home ?

I understand the arguments about how the ____________________ of dollars spent to put men on the moon could have been used to fight poverty and hunger on Earth . But , look , I'm a scientist who sees inspiration as the ____________________ tool for doing good .

The moon landing on our television , ____________________ of my father .

When you use money to fight poverty , it can be of great value , but too often , you're working at the margins . When you're putting people on the moon , you're ____________________ all of us to achieve the maximum of human potential , which is how our greatest problems will ____________________ be solved .

Give yourself ____________________ to dream . Fuel your kids' dreams , too . Once in a while , that might even mean letting them stay up ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .