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Russia was once called the ____________________ ____________________ . The Soviet Union was a ____________________ country , meaning all businesses and political activities were controlled by the government . Communism an ____________________ government and often leads to dictatorship .

One dictator in the Soviet Union was Joseph ____________________ . His name means " Man of Steel . " He killed over 30 ____________________ people through executions , starvation , and exile to labor camps in Siberia .

____________________ is a huge , frozen region of Russia . Very few people live there because it is so cold and icy . There are not many people in Siberia , but the area has lots of ____________________ like coal , oil , and natural gas . Siberia is separated from western Russia by the ____________________ mountains . Most Russians live in western Russia and that is where the capital , ____________________ , is .

The Soviet Union and the United States were in the ____________________ ____________________ for many years . This means they never fought a violent war , but there was a long period of distrust . Both countries also spent lots of time and money building and storing ____________________ weapons .

The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union collapsed in ____________________ . The Soviet Union became the current country , ____________________ . Modern Russia has been controlled by Vladimir Putin since 1999 . Since then , ____________________ has been either president or prime minister . Many Russians and people around the world do not trust him . With Putin in charge , Russian citizens do not have the ____________________ to do many things Americans can do like freely speak or protest the government .