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Hello Mary Anne. Would you like to go for an ice cream this afternoon?

I will travel to Nicaragua next weekend. Would you go with me? I will pay everything.

Would you accept to go to the graduation dancing with me?

We will study for the final test on Saturday night. Would you join us?

We are going to have a party tonight. Would you and your friends like to come?

I am going to the movies to watch Titanic. Would you like to go to watch it with me?

I will have my English oral exam tomorrow, and I need to approve the level. Would you practice English with me?

I would like to have a pet. Mom, would you allow me to have a dog?

Honey, I do not want to cook dinner tonight. Would you cook something for me?

Hey Hana! I am going to have lunch now. Would you take a seat with me?

I would love it, but I am not so good at English.

I would go, but I would not watch that film. Would you like to watch another film?

Hello Dave! Unfortunately, I am on diet, and I am going to print a document for the boss.

Well, I think that I prefer to study alone. It is better for me.

No, I would not. Actually, I will go with your cousin.

Yes. I would. What would you want to eat?

I´m so sorry, but we have plans for tonight. We would like next time.

I would, but you have to ask your father first.

No, I would not. I will have a date with my boyfriend this afternoon.

Of course. I would love it. What do I need for the trip?