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The wh-questions began with wh-words such as.

The wh-questions are also called.

To ask about place, reason, and time, use:

When the main verb is a form of be(am, is, are, was, were) use:

Which wh-word is used in the very formal English.

The wh-words are use to

Do(does, did), have(has, had) are considered auxiliary verbs such as

Which wh-words are used for questions about and in the place of the subject, and the fourmula.

To ask more detailed information about people and things, use:

Which wh-words are used to ask basic information.

who and what.

To ask for specific information.

Information questions.

can, or will can be auxiliary too

who, what, when, where, why, wich, whose, how, how many, how much, and how long.

wh-word+be, wh-word+noun+be



which+noun, whose+noun, how many+noun

where, why, and when