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When someone from ( Italië ) ____________________ ( to introduce ) ____________________ himself to you , it's best if you ( to respond ) ____________________ with buongiorno and shake his hand . Ciao ( hello ) is usually considered impolite when addressing strangers . The ( Duitse ) ____________________ language is also formal since they prefer to address strangers with Sie instead of du . ( Schotse ) ____________________ people ( do not have ) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ any peculiar greetings but they have several unique customs , such as for instance Burns Suppers on January 25 in memory of Robert Burns , the national poet of ( Schotland ) ____________________ .

In Scandinavia , ( Noorse ) ____________________ ( Zweedse ) ____________________ and ( Deense ) ____________________ grandparents still ( to tell ) ____________________ tales of Nordic folklore . Museums dedicated to mythology are not uncommon , and the figure of the troll still ( to feature ) ____________________ prominently in Finnish storytelling .

( Franse ) ____________________ cuisine ( to be ) ____________________ usually of a high quality , and as a result most people living in ( Frankrijk ) ____________________ ( to find ) ____________________ good table manners very important .