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Jyll and er neighbour , Jack
The ____________________ thing that happened was that Jyll was running out of fresh water ____________________ her cabin . ____________________ she left she wanted to contact her neighbor , Jack , to let him know she would be out of of the area for the day . ____________________ she left the cabin , she grabbed the old wooden pail . ____________________ she would use it as a signal to Jack that she was absent from the cabin . She tied a rope around the handle of the pail and ____________________ was able to toss the pail up ____________________ the air and overthe giant arbutus tree ____________________ ____________________ the cabin . High up there it could be seen by Jack ____________________ he stood on the porch of his cabin down the road . He would know she was away from cabin . This was a safety measure . Jyll ____________________ went off to town for the spring water not knowing that Jack had gone tumbling down . ____________________ that day , it was discovered what had happened . ____________________ Jyll had gone to fetch the pail for water , she hadn't noticed Jack coming ____________________ the bend in the forest path . ____________________ the doctor and police were able to reconstruct the scene of the crime . It seemed that ____________________ Jyll threw the pail up in the tree , it hit Jack's crown on its way down . ____________________ Jack has had his nobpatched , but he hasn't seemed the same fellow . In the ____________________ Jyll has been known to giggle at Jack's disaster which sometimes gets her in trouble with his mother .