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On Thursday night , I set up my alarm and went to sleep and while I was sleeping the lights went out so I did not notice that my clock had completely stopped and my alarm went off . The following morning I woke up late and that was the beginning of a terrible day . If the lights had not ____________________ out , I would have ____________________ up early and I might probably have ____________________ a better day .
When people ____________________ a bad day , they normally make bad decisions and that day I was not the exception .
Since I woke up late , I had to do everything quickly and I committed several mistakes . I had to take a bath in a hurry and I did not heat the water . I normally ____________________ it when I ____________________ on time but I thought that was the best thing to do . I dressed rapidly and left to school . On the way to school my head started aching . If I ____________________ heated the water , I might not have ____________________ a headache .
When I arrived at school , the teacher scolded me because of my tardiness and gave me extra homework . If I had not arrived late , the teacher would not have ____________________ angry and he would not have ____________________ me extra homework .
Later that day , I decided to walk home instead of taking the public transport as usual . Unfortunately , it started to rain and I got wet , If I had not ____________________ home I might not have ____________________ wet and I could not have ____________________ very sick .
Now , I have to go to the doctor , I always ____________________ the same doctor when I am sick because he is inexpensive . The bad thing is that I have to spend my savings on the medicine , If I ____________________ not sick , I ____________________ not spend my money on this . Next time if the lights go out again and I wake up late , I ____________________ not go to school . I would not like to have another day like this .