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1. Justinian
2. Pope Urban II
3. Aquinas
4. Muhammad
5. Charlemagne
6. Abu Bakr
7. Serf
8. Empress Wu

and I ruled in the Byzantine Empire. My legal writings would serve as the foundation for future governments.

and I created the philosophy of Scholasticism and gaining knowledge in the Catholic Church.

I am Empress Wu

and I called for all Christian Kings to join the crusade to retake the Holy Land.

I am Pope Urban II

and I was elected to serve as a leader for the Muslim community after his death

I am a Serf

I am Muhammad

I am Thomas Aquinas

I am Charlemagne

and I am allowed to live on my lord's land while I grow crops for him as part of the Manor System.

and I am the last prophet of God but was kicked out of Mecca when I tried to spread my message.

and I was the King of the Franks and helped spread education and Christianity throughout Europe.

I am Emperor Justinian

and I am China's only Empress and saw the invention of block printing during my reign.

I am Caliph Abu Bakr