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This organelle converts sunlight into glucose for plants. The membranes inside are called Thylakoids.

Fills a cell out, helps in protection. Is normally Jelly-like

This organelle hold your DNA. This organelle is in both plants and animals but not in bacteria.

This organelle is semipermeable, meaning somethings can move and out of the cell freely. It is made up of a phospholipid bilayer.

This organelle is used to help cells move. Typically there is only 1-few of these on the cell at a time.

Cilia- helps a cell move or filter

These are in both cell types, however in plants there is one big one and in animals there are several small ones. They hold waste, food and water.

They fold proteins.

This organelle helps plants stand tall, its also made of cellulose (Polysaccharide).

This is where ATP is made.