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1. Mesopotamia
2. Eqypt
3. China
4. Indus Valley

Area: Eqypt

Inventions: Cuneiform, Irrigation, Bronze

Natural Barriers: Mountains and Isolated

Modren Day Iraq

Area: Indus Valley

Inventions: Hieroglyphics, Pyramids, Medicine

Area: Mesopotamia

River: Indus

Rivers: Tiger & Euphrates

Modern Day India

River: Nile

No Natural Barriers

Area: China

Government: Code of Hammurabi

Natural Barriers: Himalaya Mountains

Inventions: Silk, Coined Money, and Cast Iron

Government: Pharaohs considered Gods

River: Huang He

Modern Day Eqypt

Inventions: Plumbing and Sewage System

Modern Day China

Government: Rulers changed in the Dynastic Cycle

Government: Strong centralized government

Natural Barriers: Deserts