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1 . Something is ( happen ) ____________________ in the world .
2 . What is ( go ) ____________________ on here ?
3 . I am ( look ) ____________________ for a job . I hope will get it .
4 . My aunt is ( tray ) ____________________ to lose weight , but she can't .
5 . It's ( rain ) ____________________ and I left my umbrella at home .
6 . Who is Dany ( talk ) ____________________ to on the phone ?
7 . Look , somebody is ( try ) ____________________ to steal that man's wallet .
8 . I'm not ( look ) ____________________ . I have something in my eyes .
9 . I'm ( look ) ____________________ for a new apartment near your place .
10 . He's ( think ) ____________________ about leaving London because the weather .
11 . They're ( consider ) ____________________ making an appeal against his boss .
12 . Are you ( get ) ____________________ enough sleep ?
13 . I'm ( meet ) ____________________ her at 6 . 30 .
14 . They aren't ( arrive ) ____________________ until Tuesday .
15 . Isn't he ( come ) ____________________ to the party ?
16 . The queen is ( talk ) ____________________ with Barack Obama right now .
17 . He said he is ( come ) ____________________ to London next week .