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Some little children are ____________________ of the dark .
Sam's parents are very ____________________ because Sam stole a car yesterday .
I was ____________________ by the lecture . It went on for two hours .
I'm ____________________ about my trip to Hawaii .
Mr . Smith , this is Miss Jones . Hello , I'm ____________________ to meet you .
He's a very ____________________ child .
Liz and Frank are ____________________ ____________________ with each other .
He's very ____________________ in computers . He wants to become a computer programmer .
She's ____________________ at her boyfriend and refuses to talk to him .
They are the ____________________ parents of a baby girl .
She's ____________________ because her mother is in the hospital .
I feel ____________________ . I'm going home and going to bed .
I feel very ____________________ . I went to bed at 1 a . m . this morning !
I'm ____________________ to see you I thought you were studying in China .
If you're ____________________ , why don't you take a nap ?
She's ____________________ because her son is moving to Los Angeles .
I'm ____________________ that I won't pass the test .