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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Estefania will be very happy,

if it's cold outside,

if you frezze water,

if Taylor drinks too much,

if you don't water the plants.

If they don't invite you,

if you feel sick,

if you mix Yellow and Blue,

I will tell her,

if you eat too much,

when it rains

if it rains,

She will buy a pair of shoes

If Mary calls,

if you touch the fire,

you get burned

if she goes to Disneyland

he will get drunk

if she have enough money

you must stay in bed

if I see her

tell her I am wating for her at the theater

you get Green

you wear warm clothes

you musn't go to the party

I won't take the dog for a walk

you get ice

you get fat

the grass gets wet

they die