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Cowpers Gland

Seminal Vesicle

Prostate Gland


Vas Deferens




A narrow tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In males, in transports semen (never at the same time.)

Male reproductive gametes. They are living cells produced daily by the millions, that can move under their own power.

A gland located near the urethra. It produces secretions which nurtures and serves to help transport sperm.

Glands that contribute fructose sugar to sperm; this is the energy source for the sperm.

A long crooked duct on the testes where sperm are stored.

A pouch of skin that regulates the temperature of the testes, by raising or lowering them.

Male gonads that produce sperm.

A gland involved in secreting seminal fluid into the urethra. Along with sperm, prostate secretions & seminal secretions; creates sperm.

The duct that connects the epididymis to the urethra.