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My wife and I need a new place to live . We spent the past week - end looking at apartments . We found two apartments that we like but we can't decide which one we like ____________________ .

I like the first apartment that we saw . It is ____________________ to work . It is in a ____________________ , ____________________ building . The inside is ____________________ because it has ____________________ windows . The view is ____________________ too . Unfortunately , it is ____________________ ____________________ . The rent is too high .

My wife likes the second apartment that we saw . It is in an ____________________ building and it is in a ____________________ ____________________ neighbourhood . The apartment has ____________________ rooms . The rent is ____________________ . Unfortunately , it is ____________________ from work than the other apartment . It would take both us ____________________ to get to work .

We are going to look at more apartments next week - end . Maybe we will find an apartment that we both like !