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Hi , I'm Mike and this ____________________ my daily routine . I get up early every day , around 6 : 30 and I ____________________ to the gym for a work - out before ____________________ go to work . I ____________________ do aerobic exercise for awhile and then do ____________________ weight lifting for maybe half an hour at the gym , then ____________________ return home , and as I work from my home , I turn on my computer and start working on what needs to be done . I ____________________ skip breakfast and I'll work until about 12 : 00 then I'll prepare lunch and ____________________ a fairly big lunch because I ____________________ eat breakfast . Then after lunch , I'll go back , continue working on Internet or whatever I have to ____________________ for work , until about 6 : 00 when I usually start getting phone calls from friends of mine who ____________________ abroad and then in the evenings if ____________________ not using my time doing things with the Internet or surfing the web , then I'm ____________________ to people on the Internet or on my phone and that ____________________ much sums up ____________________ usual daily ____________________ .