Créer une activité
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Look on the right box . Click and fill : my , your , his , her , its , our , your , their .

1 . He`s Tag . That`s ____________________ bike .
2 . She is Karla . That`s ____________________ doll .
3 . They`re Patty and Trompet . That`s ____________________ train .
4 . It is a dog . It is ____________________ toy .
5 . I`m Lilly . This is ____________________ family .
6 . He is Rick . This is ____________________ sister .
7 . We are Jack and Polly . These are ____________________ clothers .
8 . You are Mark and Dean . These are ____________________ ball .
9 . We are Joe and Al . This is ____________________ school .
10 . They are Beth and Emma . These are ____________________ books .