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People have to buy _____________ to see a movie.

A movie that makes people get scared is a _______________.

It refers to the place and time in which the story of the movie takes place.

A movie that is exciting and has many guns and explotions and fights is an _______________

A _____________ is the second part of a movie that has been very successful.

Movies are generally broken up into many...

A movie that makes people laugh is a _____________ movie

The person who indicates your seat and makes sure that everybody is quite is called_______________.

The place where people go to watch movies is the ______________.

People who act in the movie are...

A _________________ is a movie that has a high budget and sell a lot of tickets.

The person who has unimportant appearance in the movie and acts in the background is called...


Movie theater



Horror film

The usher



Action movie

An extra


Actors and actresses