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Mary : Look at the pictures in this brochure ! This hotel is definitely ____________________ ( small ) than the second one .
Debbie : That's true , but the second hotel seems ____________________ ( nice ) than the first one .
Mary : You may be right . It also seems ____________________ ____________________ ( relaxing ) than the first one .
Debbie : Oh , look there's even a third hotel in this brochure ! This one seems to be ____________________ ____________________ ( good ) , if you ask me .
Mary : It does , but it's ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( expensive ) hotel too .
Debbie : That's a pity , I didn't see that . But it's ____________________ ( far ) away from the seaside than the other ones .
Mary : The food of the second hotel seems to be ____________________ ____________________ ( delicious ) than the third one .
Debbie : I see , but the rooms of the first hotel are ____________________ ____________________ ( big ) of all three hotels .
Mary : Yes , but that hotel seems to be ____________________ ____________________ ( old ) too .
Debbie : And it the surroundings ( omgeving ) of the other hotels are ____________________ ____________________ ( beautiful ) than then those of the first one .
Mary : I think , I would stay in the second hotel .
Debbie : Me too !