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Jouer Relier Colonnes

It's 30 minutes by bus.

No, I do not like sushi, but I like ramen very much.

The food at the canteen is cheap and tasty.

No, I am not a third year student. I am a first year student.

What food do you like?

I come by bus.

I eat lunch at the canteen.

Lessons are until 3:35 p.m.

Lessons are from 8:10 a.m.

Good afternoon.

Tabemono wa nani ga suki desu ka.


Shokudou de hirugohan o tabemasu.

Jugyou wa gogo san-ji sanjuugofun made desu.

Basu de san juppun desu.

Shokudou no tabemono wa yasukute oishii desu yo.

Jugyou wa gozen hachi-ji juppun kara desu.

Iie, sushi wa suki ja arimasen ga, raamen wa dai suki desu.

Iie, watashi wa san-nensei ja arimasen. Watashi wa ichi-nensei desu.

Basu de kimasu.