Créer une activité
Jouer Relier
1. Creative Thinker
2. Independent Enquirers
3. Effective Participator
4. Reflective Learner
5. Self Managers
6. Team Worker

Seek out challenges or new responsibilities and show flexibility when priorities change

Discussing issues of concern, seeking resolution where needed

Plan and carry out research, appreciating the consequences of decisions

Work towards goals, showing initiative, commitment and perseverance

Show fairness and consideration to others

Proposing practical ways forward, breaking these down into manageable steps

Review progress, acting on the outcomes

Set goals with success criteria for their development and work

Assess themselves and others, identifying opportunities and achievements

Adapt behaviour to suit different roles and situations, including leadership roles

Provide constructive support and feedback to others

Ask questions to extend their thinking

Identify questions to answer and problems to resolve

Respond positively to change, seeking advice and support when needed

Presenting a persuasive case for action

Collaborate with others to work towards common goals

Anticipate, take and manage risks

Deal with competing pressures, including personal and work related demands

Evaluate experiences and learning to inform future progress

Adapt their ideas as circumstances change

Identifying improvements that would benefit others as well yourself

trying out alternatives or new solutions and following ideas through

Question their own and others’ assumptions

Communicate their learning in relevant ways for different audiences.

Acting as an advocate for views and beliefs that may differ from your own

Generate their own ideas and connect them with the ideas of others

Take responsibility, showing confidence in themselves and their contribution

Explore, from different perspectives, questions they have identified for themselves

Draw conclusions, using reasoned arguments and evidence

Analyse and judge the relevance and value of information