Créer une activité
Jouer Relier
1. Positive Reinforcement
2. Negative Reinforcement

child tells mom he doesn't want carrots for snack - mom says he can just have yoghurt

child hits brother - dad lectures him on being nice

child screams when mom puts broccoli on his plate - mom tells him he doesn't have to eat it

child tells teacher they forgot their gym shoes - they get to sit out from gym today

mom tells dad about this new shirt she loves - dad buys it for her as a gift

you get to a cross walk and stop to wait for the crossing light - traffic stops and you cross safely

person driving behind you is way too close so you tap your breaks - they go around you

child cries - mom gives treat

child asks mom for a new toy - mom buys it

teacher plans fun activity for new lesson - children learn and get good grades

you're eating healthier and working out - you've lost 5 lbs

child acts out in class - teacher sits down and completes activity with him