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Read the story and complete it by using the words below . Unscramble them .

One day , I was walking down the street when something strange ( a ) happened to me . A strange man ( b ) ____________________ me a wizard's hand . A hole in the ground ( c ) ____________________ right in front of me and I ( d ) ____________________ an alien coming out of a spaceship . Luckily , I ( e ) ____________________ a phone , so I called my friend and I ( f ) ____________________ him the story . As expected , he ( g ) ____________________ that I was crazy . He ( h ) ____________________ and didn't believe me . He ( i ) ____________________ to help me but was not sure how . So , I ( j ) ____________________ to llok inside the hole , use the wand and take pictures of the alien . When I ( k ) ____________________ closer to take the picture , I ( l ) ____________________ down the hole , I ( m ) ____________________ the magic words " Abra Kadabra " , and I ( n ) ____________________ very different , as is I were floting . I began to ( o ) ____________________ voices in my nind and to ( p ) ____________________ things from my past . At that moment , I woke up and rushed to go to school because I was really late .

a . peedahnp - ____________________
b . vgea - ____________________
c . poened - ____________________
d . was - ____________________
e . dah - ____________________
f . dolt - ____________________
g . gutothh - ____________________
h . helguda - ____________________
i . foederf - ____________________
j . ceedidd - ____________________
k . ecma - ____________________
l . netw - ____________________
m . dais - ____________________
n . elft - ____________________
o . raeh - ____________________
p . mebremre - ____________________