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Before World War II , Georgia was a very ____________________ state . Once the war started , the state's economic fortunes began to change as ____________________ money poured into military bases and industries ____________________ the war effort . Georgians began to make ____________________ money than ever before .
One manufacturing plant made an enormous impact on Georgia's economy in the 1940s . The ____________________ ____________________ built the Bell Bomber plant in Marietta to produce B - 29 bombers . Besides paying excellent wages , Bell Aircraft employed many ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ .
The ____________________ of Savannah and Brunswick also brought prosperity to the state by creating the ____________________ Ships , designed to carry everything from grain and mail to troops and trucks . ____________________ ____________________ were also constructed during this time period in order to train military forces . These bases included Fort ____________________ , Robins Air Service Command , Fort Gordon , and Hunter Field .