Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
A . ____________________ , I am Carolina . ____________________ is your name ? B . Hi . My ____________________ is David . A . Nice to ____________________ you David . B . ¡ Nice to meet you , too ! Where are you from ? A . I am from ____________________ . B . I am ____________________ Spain . A . ____________________ old are you ? B . I am ten ____________________ old and you ? A . I am ____________________ years old . What is your ____________________ sport ? B . My favorite sport is ____________________ . And what is ____________________ favorite food ? A . ____________________ favorite food is pizza . Do you like pizza ? B . Yes I like . But I prefer ____________________ A . What is your favorite subject in the school ? B . My favorite subject is ____________________ . A . Oh no ! . My favorite ____________________ is english . I don't like maths . B . What ____________________ your favorite film ? A . My favorite ____________________ is Matilda . B . I like it , too . A . Oh ! It is late . I have english ____________________ . See you ____________________ . B . Ok . Have a ____________________ day ! See you .