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Mention how to care for the skin:

The three main layers of integumentary system:

Others activities of the skin

What is melanin?

Four major functions

Associated structures are:

Types of Sudoriferous glands

Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous layer

1. Proper nutrition 2. Adequate circulation 3. Regular cleansing Removes dirt and dead skin Sustains slightly acid environment to inhibit bacteria 4. Protection from sunlight Exposure to UV light causes genetic mutations in skin that can lead to cancer, and causes premature aging.

1. Absorption of substances such as medications 2. Excretion (Water, Electrolytes,Wastes) 3. Manufacture of vitamin D

The pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people have. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes.

1.Protection against infection 2.Protection against dehydration (drying) 3.Regulation of body temperature 4.Collection of sensory information

Sebaceous oil glands, Sudoriferous glands, Hair and Nails

1. Eccrine: Produce watery type of sweat Activated by heat 2. Apocrine: Produce thicker type of sweat with more proteins Concentrated in armpit and groin areas Activated by nervousness or stress