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1 . A : Around what time do you go to ____________________ bed at night ?
B : Oh , I'm always in ____________________ bed by 10 : 00 , because I have to be at ____________________ factory at 8 .

2 . A : Did you have ____________________ breakfast this morning ?
B : Yes , but I'm having ____________________ light lunch , because I'm going out for ____________________ expensive dinner .

3 . A : Have you ever wanted to take a nap after ____________________ big lunch ?
B : Occasionally I'll do that at ____________________ home , but there's no place to sleep at ____________________ work .

4 . A : Do you do anything regularly for exercise , like go to ____________________ gym ?
B : Well , sometimes I go for a run in ____________________ park , and every so often I go to ____________________ pool for a swim .

5 . A : Have you ever taken a pet with you to ____________________ work or to ____________________ school ?
B : Actually , when I was in ____________________ college , a guy used to bring a pet rat to ____________________ class . The teacher never knew .

6 . A : Do you go straight home after ____________________ work ?
B : Well , it seems like I always have something to do , like stop at ____________________ store to pick up something for ____________________ dinner or go to ____________________ bank for some cash .

7 . A : Do you ever do anything fun after ____________________ class , like go to a restaurant ?
B : Um , sometimes I go out for ____________________ dinner with some classmates .

8 . A : Would you like to have flexible hours at ____________________ office ?
B : Yeah , I'd like to be able to pick up my kids after ____________________ school .