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" I Have a Dream "

Martin Luther King and his people had to go through many trials and ____________________ because of the discrimination from the whites . They had a ____________________ hill to climb to end the segregation and create an equal society . For many African Americans before and during the civil rights movement , it is likely that at one point or another their faith was ____________________ and they may have lost hope . Even for African Americans who lived in highly populated areas , many of them probably felt that they were in a metaphorically ____________________ emotional state with no hope for improvement . King preached about justice and equality , but also about nonviolence and believed in the power of ____________________ love for one another .

" Letter from Birmingham Jail "

King and his followers were ____________________ of civil rights , yet the white clergymen ____________________ the protests of the African American people , even though the protests were nonviolent and completely warranted . King and his followers were very ____________________ of the way the whites felt about the protests and the civil rights movement , but that didn't stop King and his followers . King used specific examples of the situation that blacks were in when he talked about the ____________________ society that the whites lived in , yet the blacks still lived as poor men and women . Even with everything that the whites did to the blacks , the people in Alabama agreed to a ____________________ on any type of demonstration , if the whites would take down the humiliating racial signs . This did not happen , however . Throughout King's many speeches and nonviolent protests , he was always an ____________________ of peace and kept an ____________________ tone to emphasize the seriousness of the situation and his message . King ____________________ stressed the importance of nonviolence for their cause , because he felt violence was not the answer and would only make things worse . Many people in the 21st century are constantly ____________________ by the many injustices that this country has seen in its history , but the hope is that we continue to move forward as a country and decrease any form of segregation , discrimination , or injustice of any kind .