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1. A single point action that will be completed in the future
2. An action occupying a whole period of time in the future
3. A succesion of actions in the future
4. Some permanent future actions generally characterizing the person denoted by the subject.

I know, I'm right, and one of these days you'll realize it

Come back tomorrow, I'll explain it all then

I will go to New York soon

I hope you will live for many years.

We'll just talk about the weather and crops for a few minutes and then we'll have dinner.

I think I shall remain in love with you all my life.

We'll have a meeting and then I'll decide whether I should marry him or not.

I'll come and we'll go shopping.

I'll wait in the next room and I'll come when she's gone.

They will miss her while she is in Paris.

The trial will last a few weeks.

I'm afraid he'll be a little lonely, poor darling.

The old age pension will keep me in bread and onions, and what more does the old man want?

It will ruin her.