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1. Manchurian Plain
2. Tibetan Plateau
3. Northwest China/Xinjiang
4. Southwest Uplands
5. Sichuan Basin
6. Loess Plateau
7. North China Plain
8. Southeast Coast
9. Yangtze Valley

Trade routes

North China Plain

Southwest Uplands

Isolated area protected by mountains

Sichuan Basin

Tibetan Plateau

Mountainous region with many different ethnic groups.

Dusty soil region with little water.

Loess Plateau


Harsh region with nomadic people

Northwest China/Xinjiang

Southeast Coast

Yangtze River used for food and transport.

Tallest mountains in the world

Cold, icy, flat region with few people.

Desert, harsh region

LOTS of different crops

Yellow River; flooding creates fertile soil; variable climate.

Manchurian Plain

Yangtze Valley

Fertile; hot and humid.

Valuable today for oil