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This is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in North America. It is located on the border between the United States and Canada. It is almost 58 metres high.

This is the largest Christian Church in the world. It is in Rome, Italy. It is built in the shape of a cross. The magnificent dome was painted by Michelangelo.

This beautiful tomb is in Agra in Northern India. It was built between 1563 and 1632 in memory of the Shah’s wife.

This ancient stadium is located in Rome. It was built from 72 to 80 A.D. It seated 45,000 spectators and was four stories high.

This is a white marble bell tower in Italy. Its foundations were laid in the year 1173. By the time the builders were up to the third tier, the tower began to lean and continues increasing its leaning by 2.56 centimetres every nine years.

It was designed and built in Paris in 1889 to honor the French Revolution. It is 298 metres tall and was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel.