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Multimeric Protein structure that stabilizes primarily by non covalent interaction

Destruction of all the intermolecular forces except the Peptide bond.

Fundamental, functional and 3-D structural has characteristics of small, compact, globular protein

Accumulation of Amyloid plaques in brains as twisted b-pleated sheet fibrils with 3-D structure virtually identical to silk fibrils

Protein structure that stabilizes primarily by Hydrogen bonds

Responsible for the correct folding of proteins

It composed of 4 amino acids and plays a role in reversing the direction of polypeptides

Protein structure that contains disulfide bond as the only covalent stabilizing force

Interactions between opposite charged amino acids

Polar and uncharged , rigid and planar, trans configuration

Hydrogen bond between the Carbonyl oxygen and the α nitrogen of the 4th distant amino acid

R groups alternating above and below the chain may be parallel or antiparallel.

Protein structure that determines its folding and thus its function


Primary Structure


Quaternary Structure

Alpha helix

Tertiary Structure

Secondary Structure

Beta Bends


Ionic bonds or SALT bridges


Beta Sheets

Peptide Bond