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1. Hero's Journey
2. Santiago's Journey

Crossing the First Threshold

Return with Elixer

Refusual of the Call

Deciding to continue to work or continue. Staying with Fatima or chase his personal legend?

Reaching the Pyramids.

Inner Most Cave

His sheep need him to care for them, and so many others have failed trying to achieve their dream. Why pursue?

Santiago's Dream

The choice to pursue his personal legend

Ordinary World

The Voice in the Wind telling Santiago that God wanted him to see the Pyramids. Feeling Fatima's kiss on his lips.

Road Back

The leader of the Pyramids tell Santiago that the treasure is home under the sycamore tree.


Melchizedek and the Gypsy

Wisdom. The Treasure.

Being a Sheep Herder

Call to Adventure


Tests, Allies and Enemies


Meeting the Mentor

Santiago has to return home to obtain his treasure.

Tangier, Not having enough money, desert caravan headed to Al-Fayoum