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Tom : OK .
What about you ? What did you do over the holidays ?
Why didn't you ____________________ any ____________________ ?
Jasmine : Maybe because I want to ____________________ about it !
Tom : Ok ok , calm down ! And tell me ?
Jasmine : It was the summer from ____________________ !
Tom : Was it ? Was it really that ____________________ ?
Jasmine : It was ____________________ ____________________ holiday ____________________ ! I ____________________ ____________________
to Lake District with some friends . Just for a
week ? when the car broke down and we had to
push it to the nearest ____________________ !
Tom : I see ? And ____________________ ____________________ was that ?
Jasmine : Oh ? At ____________________ a quarter of a mile ?
Tom : ____________________ ? Oh , that's not good !
Jasmine : And it took twenty - four hours and ____________________
____________________ ____________________ to get the car fixed !
Tom : Wow ! ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ !
Jasmine : Yes , it was ! And when we finally arrived
at the camp site in Windermere , it started ____________________ .
And we found out that one of our two ____________________ had
a big ____________________ in it ! So all four of us had to ____________________ this
one tiny tent !
Tom : I don't suppose that was very comfy ! !
Jasmine : No , it wasn't ! And on the ____________________ day , I got
the worst toothache I've ever had ? I ____________________ I
was gonna ____________________ !
Tom : Oh ! You really had an ____________________ time , didn't you ?
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , did you ____________________ ____________________ any ____________________ ?
Jasmine : Oh yes , I did ! A big ____________________ from the ____________________ .
But he did give me this really cool ____________________ ?