Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 - I met ____________________ new at a bar in Spain last summer .
2 - ____________________ knows where my cat is . I´m so sad !
3 There is ____________________ in the clothes basket . It is empty .
4 - I've tried phoning but every time I tried there wasn´t ____________________ in .
5 - I have prepared ____________________ for dinner which you will like very much .
6 - Would you like to go ____________________ in particular this summer holidays ?
7 - He sat at the table but didn't have ____________________ to eat .
8 - You can´t do ____________________ . This problem has no solution .
9 - I met ____________________ you know last night . She told me she had missed you very much .
10 - Did you turn the oven off ? I think I can smell ____________________ burning .