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1. words
2. Definition

rules of thumbs or intuitive guesses that you can apply quickly

metacognitive skils


development and learning are greatest when the needs and characteristics of the learner fit characteristics of environment

Technology rich learning environment

Staage Environment fit theory

skills that generally improve in the adolescent years.

possible effects of a match(mismatch) between developmental needs of adolescence & opportunities by social environment

Person environment fit theory

Stereotype threat

Adolescents may decide they are unique; no one has ever felt or experienced what they do.

Limited English Proficient

When judgments are based on availability of information in our memories

Supporting your position with evidence and understanding, then refuting your opponent’s claims and evidence.

Virtual worlds, computer simulations that support problem- based learning

when individuals are in situations in which stereotype applies they bear an extra emotional cognitive burden

Availability heuristics


Adolescent Egocentrism

A term used in the United States that refers to a person who is not fluent in the English Language