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My name is Annie and I ____________________ in very big house . ____________________ ____________________ twnty - three rooms in my house , but ____________________ ____________________ only twelve bedrooms . I ____________________ in one of the rooms on the third floor . In my room , ____________________ ____________________ a huge bed and ____________________ ____________________ nine windows . My bedroom ____________________ small . On my bed ____________________ ____________________ lots of pillows , and ____________________ ____________________ my cat , Fluffy . In my closet ____________________ ____________________ many toys , and ____________________ ____________________ also many clothes . I don't have a bathroom in my bedroom , but ____________________ ____________________ a bathroom next to my room . Also in my house ____________________ ____________________ two kitchens , a big dining room and ____________________ ____________________ three living room . The house ____________________ really big ! ! ! .