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1. Cereais e derivados (Cereals and cereal)
2. Hortícolas (vegetables)
3. Frutas (fruits)
4. Laticínios e derivados (milk and dairy products)
5. Carne, peixe e ovos (meat, fish and eggs)
6. Leguminosas (legumes)
7. Gorduras e óleos (fats and oils)

Grão (grain)

Queijo (cheese)

Peixe (fish)

Couves (sprouts)

Ovos (eggs)

Laranja (orange)

Óleo (oil)

Feijão (bean)

Banana (banana)

Cenoura (carrot)

Massa (pasta)

Ervilhas (peas)

Uvas (grapes)

Azeite (olive oil)

Tomate (tomato)

Manteiga (butter)

Arroz (rice)

Pão (bread)

Leite (milk)

Iogurte (yogurt)

Frango (chicken)