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Jack : . ____________________ . My name is Jack . ____________________ is your name ?
Rose : My ____________________ is Rose and this is my ____________________ Tia .
Jack : Nice to ____________________ you .
Rose : ____________________ to meet you too .
Jack : ____________________ are you from ?
Rose : I'm ____________________ England and Tia is from Singapore . How about ____________________ ?
Jack : I'm from the Philippines but now I'm here ____________________ Computing . What are you studying ?
Rose : I ____________________ studying Accounting and Tia is studying Tourism .
Jack : Where do you have ____________________ ?
Rose : We ____________________ lunch in the school cafeteria ? ____________________ you want to come too ?
Jack : I'd like to but I can not . I have guitar practice at 12 ____________________ . Can you play guitar ?
Rose : No . I ____________________ not play guitar but I can play the ____________________ .
Jack : Maybe we could have lunch ____________________ ?
Rose : Sounds ____________________ . What is your ____________________ number ?
Jack : My ____________________ is 0839865375 . Do you have ____________________ - ____________________ ?
Rose : Yes I ____________________ . It's rose_321@hotmail . com .
Jack : Great . What ____________________ is it ?
Rose : It´s ____________________ : ____________________
Jack : I'd better hurry . I can't be ____________________ for my guitar practice .
Rose : Ok ? Do you have a ____________________ ?
Jack : Yes I ____________________ . I'll pick you up tomorrow if you want .
Rose : That would be great . See you tomorrow .
Jack : Yeah . ____________________ for now .