If they win a free trip,
If it snows,
If he finishes his homework,
If it's sunny,
If she studies hard,
If you eat healthy food,
If they invite us,
If it rains,
he will watch TV.
we will go to the party.
she will pass the exam.
we will make a snowman.
I will put on sunglasses.
you will feel better.
they will go to Canada.
they will wear jackets.
If they invite us,
If he finishes his homework,
If it's sunny,
If it rains,
If they win a free trip,
If you eat healthy food,
If it snows,
If she studies hard,
you will feel better.
I will put on sunglasses.
we will go to the party.
we will make a snowman.
she will pass the exam.
he will watch TV.
they will wear jackets.
they will go to Canada.
If it rains,
If it's sunny,
If he finishes his homework,
If they invite us,
If you eat healthy food,
If they win a free trip,
If it snows,
If she studies hard,
he will watch TV.
we will make a snowman.
they will wear jackets.
you will feel better.
she will pass the exam.
they will go to Canada.
we will go to the party.
I will put on sunglasses.