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1. What does Napoleon?
Europe NHistory Nthe Nand Nconquer Nchange NNapoleon. N
2. Who is a famous egyptian queen?
famous Cis CCleopatra Cqueen Cegyptian Ca
3. Who are the founders of the Roman empire?
and RRemus RRomulus Rempire Rfounders RRoman Rthe Rare. R
4. What does Mahatma Gandhi fight for?
Gandhi MIndia's MMahatma Mfor Mfights Mindependence. M
5. What does Picasso paint in 1937?
Guernica Pthe Ppaints P1937 PPicasso Pin
6. What does Marie Curie do?
discovers Mand Mfuture Mnew MCurie Minspires Melements Mscientists MMarie. M
7. Who is Spartacus?
slavery Sscape Sa SThracian Sis Sfrom SSpartacus Sfamous Sthat Sgladiator
8. When does History start?
of Happearance HHistory Hwith Hwriting Hstarts Hthe