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This piece is a street art mural entitled ? Homage to the indigenous woman ? . It was ____________________ by José Gallino in October 2021 , and it is ____________________ on a building ? s wall on Carabela St . in Brazo Oriental neighborhood , Montevideo . The mural was ____________________ by Guyunusa , one of the four Charrúas shipped from Uruguay to Paris to be exhibited as living objects in 1833 .
It is a ____________________ portrait , done in a very realistic ____________________ . It is 30 meters high by 19 meters wide , so the ____________________ needed to employ a façade scaffolding to be able to paint it . Gallino used aerosol paint on a black background , which focuses the viewer ? s attention on the woman ? s face in the center of the piece . Around Guyunusa , he included mburucuyá and ceibo flowers , two icons of our native flora . In my ____________________ , and as the piece title says , Gallino wanted to honor all native women by representing Guyunusa , one of the most well - known Charrúa women . He depicts her as a young woman with sad eyes , surrounded by native flowers . I ____________________ this is because our indigenous women are as beautiful as our flora .