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Really? Did you go to Europe?

What cities did you go?

Did you go to Berlin?

David, where did you go last week?

Yes, it was exciting!

I went on a trip with my family

London, Paris and a few other cities

No, I didn’t go there. I’d like to go to Berlin next time

I’ll take a dozen

That sounds like a good deal

I need some flowers for my mother. It is her birthday

How much are the roses?

Yes, they are on sale today

50 somoni per dozen

Splendid. I'm sure you mother will love them

Very well. We have some fresh red roses

Sure. Anything else?

Ozar, what’s wrong with you?

Look, I’m going to the drug store now, can I get anything to you?

Did you visit the doctor?

Yes, if it’s not too much trouble, would you get some tissues to me?

No, thanks

Not yet

I’m starting a cold

What time is he arriving?

So where are you going now?

The weather is great isn’t it?

I wish it was like this more frequently

At 4 pm

Yes, it’s absolutely beautiful today

I’m going to the airport to meet a friend of mine. He is coming from Washington

Me too

Do you take a good care of your car?

Do you have a car?

So, it’s pretty old now

Is it new?

Yes, I periodically take it for technical inspection

Yes, I have a white Mercedes

Yes, it is. But it still looks good

It was new in 2005

Thanks. Where are you going now?

Are you going back to Dushanbe after you graduate?

Do you know where you’d like to work?

That’s be really cool. I’d like to be a translator too, but my English is not good enough

Not yet, but I want to be an English translator

Don't worry about that. Your English is better than most of my classmates

I'm going to the library. I have to take an exam tomorrow

I think so. I'll probably go black home and try to get a job

Thanks a lot?

Can you tell me the way to Somoni Square?

Excuse me, officer. Can you help me?

How much time does it take me to get there?

Only a few minutes

It’s nothing at all

Sure. What do you want?

Yes, of course. Go down this street and turn to the right

Why are you driving so fast?

Don’t ever be in a hurry when you’re driving

I read a lot about it

Because most accidents are because people are in a hurry

Why not?

How do you know that?

Wow! You are very curious

I’m in a hurry

The weather is great isn’t it?

So where are you going now?

What time is he arriving?

I wish it was like this more frequently

At 4 pm

Yes, it’s absolutely beautiful today

Me too

I’m going to the airport to meet a friend of mine. He is coming from Washington

I’ve read it in the journal

Why do you watch so much TV?

But it’s harmful for your health

Medical journal. If you want I’ll give it to you

Yes, thank you

What journal I have you read it?

Why do you think so?

I like it