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Jouer Relier Colonnes

We were very unfortunate

She was very helpful

He is unemployed

Your hair is too long

You shouldn't have it cut

She gave us some useful some

We had bad luck

He can’t get a job

Careless using of fire causes

Unhealthy eating leads to

Active living helps to

Bad driving causes

a fire

serious disease

road accidents

live longer

Ten pounds

Three days

These scissors

isn’t enough money for me

isn’t enough time for a holiday

aren’t very sharp

What kind of movies

What kind of book

How long have you

What are you going to

do over vacation?

do you like to watch?

been living in this city?

do you like to read?

The girl is glad that

The mother is worried that

The man is sure that

The students are pleased that

her son has the flu

Her teacher is really good

his parrot will be back

they were invited to the conference

Have you ever cut

Have you ever done

Have you ever broken

Have you ever caught

your own hair?

the window?

volunteer work?

a two-headed snake?





exams have you passed?

haven’t you been at office today?

is the nearest telephoning?

is always in time for the meeting?

Can you lend me

Can you speak

Can you help me to

Can you control

three languages?

some money?

prepare for exam?

your temper?