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While our ____________________ are ready we will go further and teach a ____________________ bit of the history of chocolate .
First of all we need to know that chocolate is made from ____________________ .
Yes , what my partner said is true . It all ____________________ thanks to ____________________ .
The story began in 4000 BC ____________________ Aztec people used cocoa as a basis for a ____________________ called " Xocolatl . "
At the time it was a ____________________ , fortifying and ____________________ .
Cocoa also was used as ____________________ exchange .
In 1502 , in one of the voyages of Christopher Columbus to the Aztec people he had the ____________________ to be the first to taste the " Xocolatl " , drink that persuaded him .
Until 1919 Hernan Cortes went to the ____________________ Empire and thanks to him could be known by most ____________________ .
Thanks to him , the chocolate began his tour in Europe and then ____________________ worlwide .
Now , we find it in different colors , ____________________ , flavors or ____________________ .
Still it remains one of the most delicious ____________________ in the world .
That ____________________ that our cupcakes are goin to be delicious .